Oregon is basically complete, it’s just a short, 50 mile hike down to cascade locks and across the bridge of the gods. This leaves the 500 miles of Washington, which is supposed to be the most beautiful section of the trail.
I feel it necessary to provide a bit of a counter point to my last post about life on the trail. It is true that this is very hard at times, but more often, the beauty so intense that it is hard to contain. I love my early-morning walks, fresh out of the tent and walking through the silent forest, the extraordinary morning light filtering through the trees; I just can’t wipe the smile off my face.
There is a goal for many on the trail called “10 x 10” which means getting in 10 miles before 10 o’clock in the morning. This has become surprisingly easy and fun for me. In the morning the miles just seem to fly by.
Also, the community of hikers that reach this far north may be the most extraordinary group of people I’ve had the pleasure to spend time with. Their drive, perseverance and ambition is truly amazing. The shared experience of hiking over 2000 miles together builds a bond that surpasses words alone. It’s great catching up with everybody at resupply stops and sometimes camping spots along the trail and sharing our stories.
The most extraordinary occurrence in all of this is my perspectives regarding my place in nature which has completely shifted. I don’t feel apart from nature or a stranger to this place, But part of nature, as much a piece of this landscape as the trees, the river the rocks or the wildlife; I feel I belong. Everything just seems to make sense and is well ordered.
Lastly I want to thank everybody for your awesome comments and sincere sense of support. With all the solitude on The trail, it’s great to have the connection with all of you out there.

We’d all be enlightened and humbled from a trek like the incredable one you’re experiencing. I know that I would be too!
The finish line’s coming into view for you and family and here’s to
“clear skies” as you pass by Glacier Peak, my favorite!
More so, are we inspired by what you do, see, hear, feel…
Dean,it has been such a treat to travel with you! Enjoyed meeting you with Jeanne in Borrego and following you trials and tribulations. You are an inspiration!
Hi Dean! Your journey is so inspiring. So weird to not have mt hood snow-capped too. Do you have an eta for bridge of the gods? I would love to try to make it out and say hi! Your safari friend, Natalie
Well written post, Dean……I love that you are loving this journey, with all of it’s hardships and beauty! Looking forward to seeing you sometime after the next 500 miles! xoxo
Great Post!
I’m hearing of fires in Washington. Hopefully they won’t impact you.
I’ve so enjoyed following your posts. What an amazing journey you’re on. Yes, an incredible physical journey but also a life journey (I’m sure) with so much time for reflection and thoughts, and getting to know your body so well. I bet you’re feeling strong on many many levels.
Now that you’re in Washington the light at the end of the tunnel surely now looms in the mountains ahead. I can’t wait to reconnect to hear the stories you’ll tell. Way to go and keep on heading north my friend…larry
If our friend, Jim Davis from Bend, were alive he would be enjoying and understanding your incredible hike on the PCT.
He did maintenance on the trail near Broken Top and Sisters and loved hiking the area and passed his love of the mountains on to us. Enjoy every early morning.
WOW! Dean you are amazing. You have reached the highest point the “Lower 48” , Mt Whitney, down you’re headed down to “The Bridge of the Gods”, the lowest point on the PCT. Then just a quick run to Canada! LOL Best of luck to you. Hope the fire situation is resovled before you get to that area. Keep on Truckin’!
A guy has been on the trail a long time when he says “a short 50-mile hike.” That last one was a beautiful dispatch. Keep up the momentum and good luck dodging fires in Washington. We look forward to seeing you back on Earth in a few weeks.
Soon you will be in the true north strong and free – Canada! Next time try the continental divide trail that ends in Waterton where we live most of the time. You are amazing.